Kosmos Q Sticky Asian Rib Glaze
Can you handle the stickiness of this Asian-inspired Rib Glaze??
- Add delicious shine to your next rack of ribs
- Mix into a sauce for barbecue chicken, pork, and more
Your next rack of ribs will be unforgettable with Kosmos sticky, lip-smacking Sticky Asian Rib Glaze?. Use it as your last finishing touch and watch it melt into a glorious shine, or mix into a sauce and use it on all of your barbecue favorites.
Ingredienser: Rörsocker, vatten, sojasås (vatten, vete [GLUTEN], sojabönor [SOJA], salt), melass, risvinäger, modifierad matstärkelse, kryddor, granulerad vitlök, sesamolja [SESAME], xantangummi, granulerad lök, naturlig smak.
Vikt: 453 g
Näringsvärde per 100 g
Varav mättat fett….0g
Varav sockerarter..57g