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Meat Church Seafood (170 g)

12.09 EUR

10.28 EUR

Sucklebuster Seafood (170 g)

Meat Church Gourmet Seafood seasoning will kick up your fish a notch. The flavor profile will remind you of the classic Old Bay but our has more pop. It's a very fine seasoning and a little goes a long way.

Ingredienser: Salt, kryddor inklusive paprika, selleri, senap och ingefära.

Vikt: 170 g

Näringsvärde per 100 g  
Energi......................333 kcal
Fett….......................0 g

Varav mättat fett....0 g
Kolhydrat…..............67 g
Varav sockerarter….67 g
Protein…..................0 g
Salt…......................65 g