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Plowboys Bovine Bold BBQ Rub (340 g)

15.17 EUR

12.90 EUR

Plowboys Bovine Bold BBQ Rub

During the 14 months it took to create the Plowboys Bovine Bold BBQ Rub formula, all Plowboys cooked with Bovine Bold rub was brisket. It wasn't until after it was on the shelves they learned what a great ground beef rub it is. Try it in meatloaf, tacos, and Sheppard's pie.

Ingredienser: Salt, farinsocker, kryddor, svartpeppar, chilipeppar, paprika, torkad vitlök och lök, Worcestershire-pulver, socker, gurkmeja, oregano, extraktämnen av paprika, mindre än 2 % kalciumstearat för att förhindra klumpning. Innehåller SELLERI.

Vikt: 340 g

Näringsvärde per 100 g  

Varav mättat fett....2,25g
Varav sockerarter….31,70g