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Burnt Finger Steakhouse Seasoning (335 g)

17.86 EUR

15.18 EUR

Burnt Finger Steakhouse Seasoning

Our newest addition to the Burnt Finger family of products.  Steakhouse Grill Seasoning was built to compliment the intense heat of live fire grilling. It loves char, and packs the bold flavors of garlic, onion and black pepper. Use on meats, veggies, fish and more!

Ingredienser: Salt. torkad vitlök och lök, maltodextrin. Worcestershire sås ättika. melass, majssiraps, salt, karamellfärg, innehåller sulfiter. vitlök. sucrosa. tamarind. maltodextrin, socker. Inte mer än 2% tricalcium fosfat tillsätts för att förhindra klumpning.

Vikt: 335 g

Näringsvärde per 100 g  
Energi......................202 kcal

Varav mättat fett....0,4 g
Kolhydrat…..............51 g
Varav sockerarter….40 g
Protein…..................4,0 g
Salt…......................8 g